Can photography be art in the age of selfies? A quest on World Photography Day

About 50 million photos per day! But how can you be different?A quest on World Photography Day

Thanks to smartphones, none of us are deprived of taking pictures these days. There was a time when photography meant carrying around a camera, buying film, developing it – what a hassle! But now everything has become easier. I took the phone out of the pocket and clicked it! Photography has come to hand.
But this accessibility has a downside. How many pictures are taken every day, it is not counted! According to a survey, about 5 million photos are taken every day around the world. About 90 percent of these are taken with smartphones. So think, how will your photo stand out in this huge crowd? How to get your photos noticed?
Photography Day
World Photography Day: A Festival of Photography
August 19 is World Photography Day. This day is a day to celebrate all aspects of photography. This year’s theme is “An Entire Day”. People around the world are encouraged to share their photos or videos on social media with the hashtag #WorldPhotographyDay on August 19.
Artshub has also come up with some photography tips and stories to mark the occasion. Let’s take a look at those tips.
  1. Want to win the competition? I want a different idea
Taking photos and participating in various competitions is now a hobby of many people. But winning this competition is not easy. It requires a little different thinking, a little creativity.
According to Moshe Rosenzweig, founder and creative director of Head On, to win the competition, you also need to think about the caption of the photo. Captions can be used to expand the context of the image. But be careful, the judges don’t have much time to look at the pictures. So the caption should not describe what the image shows but rather something that complements the image.
  1. Studio Photography: Whether it’s a hobby or a career, these tips will come in handy
Studio photography is an art. From the Artshub archives, here are some simple tips to help you take great photos in the studio. From studio setup to lighting to even photo editing – everything is covered in detail.
  1. Intimate Photography: A New Trend
The demand for nude, boudoir, and intimate photography is experiencing a steady rise across Australia. What is the reason behind this? David Burton found some interesting information while searching for the answer to this question. He spoke to three different photo studios to find out the reasons behind this trend. By reading his article, you will also know why intimate photography is becoming so popular.
  1. Career opportunities for photographers
Although everyone is now a photographer thanks to smartphones, professional photographers are still in demand. Rather, the demand for good pictures has increased in the digital world.
Artshub discusses various careers in the field of photography. For example, there’s a chat with Pia Johnson about performance photography, where she talks about how a performance photographer can capture the magic of a live show.
There is also a detailed guide for those who dream of becoming an architectural photographer.
  1. John Gollings: Legendary Australian Photographer
John Gollings is one of Australia’s most famous photographers. His lens has captured a wide range of subjects, from architectural landmarks to rock legends like Mick Jagger. He also shared the story of how his photography journey started at the age of nine. He still uses large-format cameras today, and his passion is photographing the world’s lost cities and architecture.
Photography Day
Some Inspirational Quotes About Photography
“To take a picture is to capture a moment forever.” – Anne Geddes
“The best camera is the one you have with you.” – Chase Jarvis
“Photography is the writing of truth, with light.” – Ansel Adams
“A picture is worth a thousand words.” – Proverb
“I take pictures because it gives me a way to see the world.” – Annie Leibovitz
History of World Photography Day
World Photography Day is celebrated on August 19 every year. This Photography Day commemorates the announcement of the daguerreotype process by the French government in 1839. The daguerreotype was the first commercially successful photographic process.
Photography: A unique art medium
Photography is a unique art medium. It gives us a chance to see the world around us in a new way. Through photography we can capture our memories, express our emotions, and express our creativity.
Importance of photography today
In today’s digital age, the importance of photography has increased. We can now easily share our photos on social media, share them with friends and family. Photography has now become an integral part of our lives.
Today on this World Photography Day let us all recognize the greatness of photography. Let us capture the beauty around us and share that beauty with others.
last word
Even in the age of smartphones, photography is an art, a profession. If you have love for photography, then there are many opportunities waiting for you in this world. So pick up the camera, start your journey. Who knows, maybe you will become the next John Gollings!
Our best wishes on World Photography Day
Happy World Photography Day to everyone from ArtsHub. Take a picture today that captures the whole day as you see it. It can be a beautiful scene around you, a smiling face of your loved one, or a moment that is important to you.

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